Prove it!

I’ve invested heavily in my training as a coach, and continue to do so. I’ve been on the receiving end of some bloody fantastic coaching over the years. All of which has contributed to shaping me into the coach I am today.

The profound words of wisdom that now come through me :-)
The clever and thought provoking questions that now inspire and reveal new depths within my clients :-)
The skill I now have to lovingly cut to the heart of the matter in next to no time
The gazillion creative ways of evoking possibility in another that now come so naturally to me
The poetic expression of intuition that falls out of my mouth :-)

And sometimes I just smile mischievously, spin around on my chair and say … “PROVE IT”.

I loved the smile that appeared on my client’s face when I said these words in our most recent session.
I loved how he heard instantly wanted he needed

I love how he invited himself into doing just that.

You see, we can get so caught up in the feeling of insight, and talk about what we are going to do, and what we want to do.
And Yup, that’s all great. It's also future state language.


And off he has gone to prove it. To get into action. To create and fill a much needed educational workshop that will serve the lives of many and open their minds up to an understanding of the human design that could very well be the catalyst to change everything for those who attend.

Insight without action is just a nice to know. Add in the action and you create momentum.

My client knows the invitation isn’t to prove anything to me.
He is showing himself exactly who he is;
A man who listens to the excited whisper within guiding him to what wants to be brought to life.
A man who honours that whisper.
And the only man who can create and lead THIS perfect precious educational experience.

What do you want to prove to yourself today?

In loving service,

L x


You Are Always in Integrity With Something.


Are You Arguing For Your Limiting Self-talk Or Are You Championing Your True Self?