Empower Yourself Daily. How to Transform into Your Own Best Cheerleader.

This one is for those who are wonderful cheerleaders for others and find it tricky to give that support to themself.

This week, think about some of the supportive roles you have played in the life of another. What are some of the words you notice come up? e.g. a best friend, a sounding board, an inspiration, a cheerleader.

Each day, pick the word that you are most pulled to and practice inhabiting it throughout the day, responding to situations and making decisions through the lens of that word and role. Remember to be patient and gentle with yourself as you explore these new roles - changing the way we relate to ourselves can be unusual and unfamiliar, but every small step forward is significant.

Following this exercise, reflect on how it felt to embody each role. Which roles resonated with you the most? How did acting out these roles affect your emotions, actions, and reactions? What is difficult about nurturing these parts of yourself? What is rewarding?

Use this information to help shape how you navigate future challenges and relationships with yourself. Building a strong, positive, supportive relationship with yourself can take time and practice, but the benefits it brings to emotional health and overall well-being make the effort worth the investment.


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