Breaking the $200K Barrier: How Unconscious Intentions Can Limit Your Earnings and Success.

A man in his thirties came in for his first session. He explained that he had some kind of upper limit on his income. He would get close to breaking $200,000 a year, then would do something to sabotage himself so that he never quite made it.

I gave him a quick explanation of how unconscious intention works, and asked him to declare the intention out loud. He didn’t hesitate a beat.

He said, “My intention is to never make more than $200,000.”

“Given your history, why do you think you might have an intention like that?”

He shook his head in amazement. “Why didn’t I think of this before? It’s about my dad,” he said. “We’re in business together, and I know he has never made more than $200,000 a year. If I made more than that, I’d show him up.”

“Sounds like you may have hit the nail on the head.”

He spread his hands in a gesture of wonder.

“Damn,” he said, “That’s amazing.” He shook his head and again wondered aloud why he hadn’t thought of it before.

I told him he wasn’t alone. “I’ve often wondered the same thing many times about my own patterns. Welcome to the club.”

I invited him to set a new intention, by saying the following sentences over a few times:

“It’s okay to make more than my dad and be celebrated for it.”

“The more money I make the happier Dad gets.”

“I make money to please me and nobody else.”

After he finished he glanced at his watch. “What do we for the rest of the hour?”

“Go take your dad out for coffee and tell him what you just learned.”

I never saw him professionally again, but a year or so later I saw him and his wife at a July 4th parade. He gave me a thumbs-up signal and shouted over to me above the noise, “237,000 dollars!”

I gave him a thumbs-up back and pointed up to the sky, as in “The sky’s the limit.” He got it and smiled in agreement.

Whats the unconscious intention hindering your results?

What will your new intention become?

(With thanks to Gay Hendricks for the story)


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