Coming Back to Wholeness: Living in integrity with the Divine.

Do you ever feel like you're out of alignment with your values? Maybe you tell yourself that you should be doing something differently, or that life has more to offer but you can't seem to make it happen. Or perhaps you feel like you're always letting someone down and quite often that someone is yourself?

You may have seen my previous blog post where I talked about always being in integrity with something. How we are either honouring the true Self, or living out the limitations we carry about ourselves in our mind. Either way, we are in integrity with something. And I have had some great questions since then, from people who want to move into integrity with their true Self, instead of honouring the limiting conditioned belief systems currently running the show.

I hear you… Enough is enough, smallness! We are capable of such great things!

So what would it be like to live in integrity with our true Self? Aligned to our deeper calling. To be a vessel in which creation moves through us effortlessly and out into form?

And how the heck do we start to do that, because lets be honest, that sounds like a much cooler way to live life!

Well I sat with that question for a while, and here was what showed up for me to get you started:

 1.     Identify your deepest values and inner truth:

Take a moment to reflect on what truly matters to you and why. What ignites your passion and fills you with purpose? Go deeper, become still and listen deeper, allow the answers to come to you.

When we live from a place of authenticity and alignment, our lives become a reflection of our deepest truths. What values would guide your decisions and actions if you lived this way?

Once you have a clear sense of your values, you can use them as a compass to guide your choices. These become your north star.

What is it time to let go of? What is wanting to be heard? What is it time to bring alive?

 2.     Practice self-awareness:

This is a biggie! Pay attention to your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. Notice when you're acting in a way that's out of alignment with your values and ask yourself why*.

 *Now, listen up because this is important…. I want you to put the stick down, we are not asking why so that we can judge ourselves and beat ourselves up. We are simply asking why. We are simply seeking neutral information, data that we can use. This is how we get to listen with love to our fears and hesitations. The worries and concerns that we are believing which are stopping us from living in integrity with our true Self. Cultivating self-awareness can really help you begin the transformational journey that allows your true Self to be heard.

In order to move through the obstacle that is blocking us, we first need to acknowledge it. Then we get to choose how we want to move through it. Your true Self is bigger than any obstacle the personal mind might create.

 3.     Take ownership:

Own up to your mistakes and learn from them. Take responsibility for your actions. Don't make excuses or blame others for your choices. Instead, embrace the opportunity to show yourself who you truly are in difficult and uncomfortable times. Lean in to living your values. Do you value honesty? Generosity? Forgiveness? Kindness? Courage? Let these value live in the world. Let them shine brighter than ever when facing adversity, when facing conflict. When facing the consequences of your actions. You are greater than any uncomfortable feeling.

 4.     Stay true to your Self:

Don't compromise to please others or fit in. When you're true to yourself, you attract people and experiences that align with your values and support your growth. What you seek is seeking you. Surrender to your truth, find the courage to trust in your intuition. Listen to the whisper and follow it’s simple instructions. Sometimes this may require a letting go of that which no longer serves. You are creating space for that which will.

 5.     Explore your spiritual nature:

Find ways to recognise the interconnectedness of all things, pay attention to synchronicities, see what you already have, notice how life looks when you are in a state of appreciation, look again when you are not. How is it that we can we feel the energy of a room that we have just walked into? Embrace an understanding of your spiritual nature. Get curious about who you are. "Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself." - Rumi

 Have fun getting started with these. And remember it is a practice to listen to ourselves differently. So be kind to yourself as you build the muscle. Each moment is an opportunity to re-commit, to course correct. The deep feeling of fulfilment is worth it.

In loving service,

L x


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You Are Always in Integrity With Something.