Woo Hoo! I’m Certified… Now Where Are all the Clients?

Congratulations! You've completed your coaching certification, equipped with the tools and techniques to make a significant impact. The knowledge is fresh, your passion is high, and you're ready to transform lives. Yet, the question looms: "What's next?" Transitioning from learning how to coach to actually building a coaching business that not only sustains you financially but also nurtures your spirit without leading to burnout is your next adventure!


I see the journey of a coach being twofold: mastering the art of coaching and mastering the art of business. The certification is just the beginning. It is time to apply what you’ve learned about coaching to the real world, while also diving into the business side of things. This phase is about laying down the roots for your business, ensuring it can grow organically and withstand the seasons of change.


Deepen Your Knowledge of Business: Just as you’ve studied coaching techniques, it’s crucial to understand the business of coaching. It’s time to learn how to embrace marketing and sales. The goal here is not just to attract clients but to attract the right clients—those who resonate with your unique coaching style and whom you can serve best. A lot of coaches feel the ick and heaviness around some of these terms. I did too. Until I saw that marketing was simply relationship building and sales was simply serving. There is a way to fall in love with the business building side of our profession and build a thriving practice through effective, heart centred actions in alignment with your values. I promise you never have to spend on ads, write copy, spam people or push your services on anyone.


Seek Support: Building a coaching business is not a solitary journey. Your business requires a network of support. Engage with mentorship programs, join coaching communities with people further down the path than you, and invest in coaching for yourself. The right support system can provide insights and strategies tailored to your growth, making things more enjoyable and reducing the gap between you now and the results you want.

I am yet to meet a talented coach who has elevated their success in this industry trying to figure it all out on their own or in peer communities where struggleville is the conversation topic HIGHER than those who have continuously invested in their own development and support and surrounded themselves with impactful action takers. I have met many in that first group who are sadly no longer coaching.


Cultivate Client Relationships: Your previous successes and experiences are the fertile ground from which your coaching business can grow. Get to know people at a deeper level, what makes them tick, what does their heart desire, what is knocking them out of heaven? Leverage your network. Organic growth comes from authentic connections, and the value you provide.


Sustainability without Burnout: The fear of burnout is present for many passionate coaches eager to make an impact. The key to sustainability is setting boundaries, structures and using your time well. This is often where coaches make mistakes. They are busy being busy but not effective. They stay within their comfort zone and pretend they’re making great progress. Learn how to be more impactful and effective with what you are doing. Remember to carve out time for your own self-care and development.


The transition from coach to coaching business owner is a journey of continued learning and growth. The path to a thriving, sustainable coaching business is built on the foundations of deep knowledge, supportive networks, and authentic, value-driven client relationships.

Keep your clients’ success at the heart of what you do. With dedication, the right support, and a commitment to continuous growth, your coaching business can flourish, allowing you to make a lasting impact without sacrificing your well-being.

Welcome to your lifetime apprenticeship in the most meaningful profession in the world. And yes, I am a little biased!

Serve with Purpose, Love without Limits x


You Have an Answer, You Just Don’t Like It.